Penalties for tax errors increased

HMRC has changed the way it calculates penalties charged to taxpayers who have made mistakes in their tax returns or failed to notify HMRC of a tax liability.  Penalty regime Where a taxpayer fails to notify HMRC of their tax liability or makes an error (careless or deliberate) in a tax return, HMRC can charge the taxpayer a penalty, calculated as a percentage of the potential lost revenue (PLR). There…  Read more

National Treasure

How much of Bruce Forsyth’s national treasure will go to IHT? Sir Bruce Forsyth was a genuine broadcasting legend, with a career spanning over 75 of his 89 years of life, and ending appropriately enough on the November 2015 Children in Need special of Strictly Come Dancing, a show he had co-hosted since its 2004 revival. His death on August 18th 2017 brings the curtain down on a lifelong love…  Read more

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